Stores Catalog

Welcome to the CornerShop RorAppBasic store app for small business


This is a basic store app for small business. It is a full stack app with a Next.js frontend and an Nest.js backend. It uses MongoDB as the database and is hosted on Vercel and Railway.

This PWA aims to support small businesses to have a web presence, create and edit their business profile, publish and edit their products and services, share them on social networks, as well as being able to receive comments and ratings from their customers, be able to respond to them, create promotions and discounts for their customers, as well as being able to keep an inventory and basic control of their products and servicesThe app has the following features: 1. Sign in, sign up and sign out. 2. Publish products. 3. View products. 4. Edit products. 5. Delete products. 6. View product details. 7. View user profile. 8. Edit user profile. 9. Delete user profile.

keywords: store, small business, full stack, Next.js, Nest.js, MongoDB, AWS S3 Bucket, Vercel, Railway